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There are numerous questions about this burgeoning new political  movement. We will address the questions asked us the most common here.

#1. How is Falconism different from Socialism?
Socialism calls for the state-ownership of property and the reduction of capitalism in society. Falconism calls to turn as many citizens to capitalists through Employee Stock Ownership Programs, stock in corporations organized around BOOT programs, and through establishing a national savings-investment plan.
     Socialism calls for the distribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Falconism recognizes that there will always be economic inequality. However, Falconism calls for the ladders to be in place for people at the bottom to be able to move as far as their attributes will take them up the ladder.
#2. How is Falconism different from Fascism or Nazism?
To begin with, Fascists and Nazis call for totalitarian dictatorship where "The Leader" is supreme. Falconists call for even more democracy that exists today and a leader that is also limited by checks and ballances.
Nazis fall for seperation of the races and the genocide of races and ethnic groups. Falconists wish to establish a color-blind society where all people of all colors are treated equal.
Nazis call for the elimination of the elderly, infirm, the handicapped. Falconists believed every law-abidind citizen has something to contribute to America's future.
Fascists and Nazis call for the supression of speech, the media, and religion as well as taking away from citizens the right to own firearms. Falconist believe strongly in the freedoms of the bill of rights.
#3. How does the Falconist Party propose to pay for all these programs?
First of all, most of the programs the Falconist Party proposes will pay for themselves.  Rebuilding America's infrastructure will add $3 to our GDP for every $1 invested. Space colonization will add $8-30 to the GDP for every $1 invested.
     Second of all, unemployed people don't pay taxes. The more people we put to work, the more people who will go from welfare recipients to taxpayers.
     Third, many of our programs won't involve so much as spending more money but making better use of the money we have to attain economic goals. 
Were not trying to build more ladders, but replace old ladders with better ones.
      Fourth,  were going to restructure the financial system of the United States and restructure America's national debt. We will reduce interest rates, convert the national debt into stock in government held corporations, and nationalize the nation's central bank.
      Fifth, were going to offset the cost of our military by having the military own businesses operated by civilians for the military's profit. The cost of our military will also be offset by tribute from nations were rebuildign and defending.
      Finally, not all of these programs will be implemented at once. The first priority will be the rebuilding of our infrastructure and industrial base. Once we get the economy moving, we will implement the other programs such as universal health insurace, space colonization, and so on.
#4. How did you come up with the terms Falconist and Falconism?
We believed the symbol of our party should be a war bird because we are in a struggle to against the oligarchy of transnational corporations and the two-party establishment and we are in a struggle to forfill America's manifest destiny.
   We also wanted to create a new "ism" to compete with Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, etc. "Eagleism", "Hawkism", just didn't seem to have that ring to it. The "Eagleist Party" didn't sit well with us. Other terms such as "Americanism", "Nationalist", "Populist" don't seem to do justice to naming an ideology. Not to mention those terms seemed to have been abused over the past few decades.
#5. Is the Falconist Party a Christian party.
The Falconist Party is not exculsively a Christian party. The Falconist Party welcomes people of all faiths that agree with the principles and platform of our movement.
     Also, while Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Judaism all differ on which way is the truth, they have shared values that are espoused in this platform. All of these religions for example, agree that abortion, racism, sexual imorral behavior, gambling, drunkeness are wrong.
     The Falconist Party does not seek to impose a clerical dictatorship on America nor does the Falconist Party wish to make Christianity, or any particular sect of Christianity, Islam, LBS, or any other faith the national religion of America that everyone has to belong to.
     Bottom line is that the Falconist Party wants to welcome into its fold and rally people of all faiths that share similar values with the Falconist Party to restore public morality and social order in America.
#6. Does the Falconist Party advocate "big government"
The truth is while the two major political parties advocate the shrinking of government, they really haven't done so. Sure the federal workforce has shrunk. However, the federal government has just as many people working for it as it has before. The difference is that many of those people are now working for companies with contracts with the federal government.
While the Falconist Party advocates many programs that would expand the government such as the WPA, PWA, and several new service corps, the Falconist Party will also reduce the graft in the federal government by consolidating agencies and eliminating outdated programs.
Yes, the Falconist Party advocates an active, interventionist government. However, we also envision a government that is doing more of the steering and less of the rowing. We envision the government setting broad-range economic goals and offering aid and incentive for business to meet those goals versus meticulous regulation. We envision the federal government issuing more block grants to state and local governments to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure; hiring more policemen, firefighters, and rescue personnel; and hiring more teachers and raising teachers salaries.
Finally, envision the private sector, nonprofit sector, and the church to work with the government in rebuilding our nation and healing America's wounds.
However, just as much as we want to empower and fund state and local authorities, the private sector, the nonprofit sector, and the church to carry out the Falconist vision for America, the Falconist Party admits that Americans, as much as we complain about big government, demand much from this same government. We expect the government to maintain good highways and bridges, reduce violent crime, fund our schools, fund research and development, protect the environment, provide occupational health and safety protection, and defend the homeland.
The Falconist Party knows the government can solve every problem. But the Falconist Party envisions the government to provide leadership and be a team player in building an America for all people, from the greatest to the least.
#7. Does the Falconist Party call for imperialism
First of all, the Falconist Party believes in caling a spade a spade. America is an empire. America first built its empire by purchasing a chunk of the French Empire in North America, annexed half of Mexico in the Mexican War, annexed the nations of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and temporarily ruled the nations of Cuba, Haiti, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and the Phillipines.
In addition, America has controlled nations through local Tyrants like Aristide in Haiti, the Shah of Iran, Pinochet of Chile, and so on.
The problem we have with this imperialism is first, the U.S. Government is bled dry sending troops all over the world changing regimes and not recieving revenue from these nations to support our military. Second, the people of these nations ruled by tyrants are not sharing in the basic rights and freedoms of American citizenship. They don't enjoy rule of law, the freedom of speech, press, religion, the right to elect their leaders, the right to run for office in a fair election. Finally, the people of these nations aren't enjoying the prosperity, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety protection as we Americans enjoy. In the end, the only people who benefit from this empire are the transnational corporations who take jobs from America and ship them to these nations as well as exploit their natural resources.
Yes, the Falconist Party is imperialist. However, the imperialism we propose is more humane as well as more beneficial to both America and the rest of the world. The Falconist Party wants to rebuild nations worldwide as part of the USA complete with modern 21st century economies like America's except where all people are prospering. The Falconist Party wants to extend American citizenship to all people worldwide so they may enjoy the same freedoms as Americans do here. The Falconist Party wants nations to become states that will contribute to America's power and not draw on it.
And the Falconist Party doesn't believe in using military force primarily for acquirng and maintaining territories for the USA. Military force will only be used for removing tyrants. The Falconist Party wishes to allow the people of each nation to vote for or against the incorporation of their nation into the United States and eventually accepting U.S. Statehood.
The Falconist Party does believe in empire, but an empire of liberty, an empire of true freedom, an empire of prosperity and free-enterprise, and an empire of democracy.
#8. Does the Falconist Party advocate war
The Falconist Party doesn't so much as advocate war as recognize that we are already at war. Not only is America at war with drugs, crime, and terrorism, but America is at war with itself. Our cities are "Baghdads" in themselves as criminals make war with law-abdiding citizens. And even if America withdrew from the world, there will be 30 wars going on around the world at the same time, taking millions of lives.
The Falconist Party also recognizes that the opposite of war isn't always peace but slavery, oppression, exploitation, tyranny, atrocity, and in some cases, even genocide.
The Falconist Party believes America has been blessed with the wealth and power it has not just the American people have built the strongest economy in the world, but America has a divine mission to correct the wrongs of the world.
Yes, correcting the wrongs of this world will cost America blood and treasure. However, isn't it a sin to allow millions of people worldwide suffer and maybe die at the hands of tyrants? Isn't it a sin to allow millions of people and the natural resources of their nations to be exploited for the treasure of transnational corporations?
The Falconist Party calls America to fight back and take back her streets and neighborhoods from criminals, to fight back against terrorism, to fight poverty, injustice, oppression, and inequality both here and abroad, to fight for all people of this world, and to fight for the faith.
#9. Does the Falconist Party advocate insurrection against the government?
No! No! And "Heck No!" The Falconist Party is against any attempt to change the U.S. Government by force. Falconists spit on the thought of taking up arms against those who pledged to defend our nation from all enemies both foriegn and domestic. Not to mention an armed insurrection would destroy the same America we seek to rebuild.
Anyone who wishes to wage an armed insurrection against the government would be considered to be a terrorist and is not welcome in this party. 

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